Interested in becoming a part of the future of
Aspect Avy?
With over 500k raised in a SAFE note structure coming 100% from active backcountry enthusiasts, we’re now ready to take the next step. We truly believe in our mission of saving lives and helping snow riding enthusiasts safely enjoy recreating in an inherently dangerous pastime.
Aspect Avy offers a first-to-market, absolutely unique value proposition in one of the fastest growing categories of snow sports in the world. We take a reactive safety culture and instead refocus it to one that is preventative, data-driven, and easy to consistently use safely in the field, even in remote locations with no connectivity.
With over $1 billion spent on avalanche safety tools annually ($1600 per rider), and average mapping and activity apps charging between $60-150 a year, even incredibly modest market penetration translates to a highly profitable model once our free trial period converts and to a business with tremendous opportunities for growth.
Our current raise ($2.25mm) supports a development roadmap that fully realizes the potential of the current app, integrating coaching, classic backcountry routes, satellite and 3d imagery, advanced user capabilities, and gives us the ability to help save lives WORLDWIDE, not just in our home market.
Email founder for more information, to find a time to talk, connect in person, or even to get out for a ski and learn more about what we’re doing. There is truly no better way to understand how revolutionary our app is than test driving it in the field alongside an IFMGA Mountain Guide!
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Aspect Avy’s “Road Map” for 2024
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Would you like to invest, but are more of a blue square versus double black level investor? ANYBODY can invest whatever amount that is right for them, through WEFUNDER.
For qualified investors with serious interest, if you would like to review our SAFE Note, Term Sheet, Audited Financials and Projections, Corporate Structure, and detailed information on our technology, please reach out for access to a secure data room with all above and more.